It was great to be greeted by the nice gentle Austrian sunshine ")
The 4 of us having missed Chinese food for several weeks walked into
a Chinese restaurant... of all places.. in Vienna.
But boy was the food good!
And it was racing ourselves towards Prague once we gulp down our last piece of lemon chicken
It was our last train-ride for the trip. After 4 hours of buttocks enhancement (Not bottocks) We finally arrived at Prague- Eastern europe, Czech Republic... The name of the place itself sounds exotic... I can't believe that I have the opportunity to touch down on the soil on this part of the globe. For that, I'm eternally grateful to all taxpayers... thanks for sponsoring my trip! Ooops..
This is the place where we put up for our stay in Prague. Beautiful ain't it? The owner of the house has such a unique name. Dr. Irene Automatika.... not only is she BIG, her words were BIGGER
Meng kiat at his Sethish corner thinking of 'Darling'
Headed down the streets to hunt for a place to have dinner after settling down. It was only about 8pm in the evening.. and the whole street was dead.
Walked in a few restaurants... and found a decent one finally Hailer and I wanted to head down to check out the Czech casino... but the buttocks enhancement was way too draining in the day..
Day 02
Early birds catch the worms
After waiting yons for Mr Handsome Hilarious Hailer Chong to get handsome in the toilet, we headed to a nearby bar to get some food.
Beer for lunch??
I guess for all the cities I have visited so far, I would rate Prague as my favourite!
Barcelona looked abit different from what I expected.. pickpockets were rampant! Food sucked...
Paris was alright... but resembled too much like London.. not much different... only visited Museums and Cathedrals...things were expensive and ATAS
Switzerland was pretty, very pretty... but abit too boring for the 'happening' me
Enjoyed both Munich and Austria alot though, but I guess what stood out for Prague was that.. it looked as if the whole city was 'frozen in time' It gives you the 'Old school' 'Vintage' feel that none of the other cities left me with. Brown buildings... faded streets and alleys...old towns, railways and motor vehicles. Love it!
Dear Mr (NS) Policeman demonstrating body search on the streets of Praha
Hey you 2 respect the police please...
Shameless Chong attempting shameless business again
What can I say???... 'Kgg Seh'
The kind of back alley that I was mentioning... sweet
For a moment, we were so shocked to see a pair of hands sticking out from one of the pubs..
On a closer look.. we realised it was a fake figure
City of Prague (Czech Republic)
Seems like my geographical imagination (Massey) of Barcelona was found in Prague instead.
Will the day come when I own 4 Ferrarri(s) ??
Jonathan found this entertaining and bugged me to snap a picture.. A nun on the mobile phone I guess Jon expected her to take out a piece of paper and tie it on the legs of a dove?
One of the main tourist destination in Praha. 'Charles Bridge'
Its construction started in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV, and finished in the beginning of 15th century. As the only means of crossing the river Vltava (Moldau), the Charles Bridge used to be the most important connection between the Old Town, Prague Castle and adjacent areas until 1841
Shot dedicated to our good friend Mr Joshua and George Lau.. (Eh... never ever realise that you guys have the same surname) We would have definately gone for the tour if you were here with us. Next time ok?
On the streets, I saw Seth..
Hey Seth... don't be sad... smile at the camera..
The Prague Astronomical Clock or Prague Orloj The Orloj is composed of three main components: the astronomical dial, representing the position of the Sun and Moon in the sky and displaying various astronomical details; "The Walk of the Apostles", a clockwork hourly show of figures of the Apostles and other moving sculptures; and a calendar dial with medallions representing the months.
Anyboy here wants to play Punk???
Ok... I lost... I admit defeat
The all famous 'Dancing house'
The design is "weird' Guess ppl like TY, Kellie and Seth would know how to appreciate it yah?
How can we say 'NO' to Mr Sandlers in Prague? I guess we can soon start our own 'the KFC tour'
Later in the evening, we decided to head down to the Prague fan-zone to join in the Euro 2008 fever
Not only did Prague stood out as one of the unique cities.. I guess the Czech people definitely stood out among the rest. One cut above the rest man! I wonder what happens if I give this guy one pull between the two
Man.. is this considered bravery or stupidity? If this guy were to be Joshua Chong's friend... i guess it would tear a long time ago
Euro 2008 soccer fever
I don't understand why these 3 couples have to 'make out' in front of me during the half time
Night shot on Charlie bird's bridge
Our last few moments in this beautiful old city Man, love Prague so much! I will definitely very much want to visit again. Spend more time here the next time here so that I can have so much of it until I Praaaaahhhhhh....