4 of us woke up wrapped like a caccoon... Lake district is so COLD! and Hey, isn't it supposed to be Summer in the Northern hemisphere in June?!!!
But well, the English breakfast buffet was AWESOME!!
Come to think of it... Pierce resevoir also look abit like this... just that you don't get
'lup sup' bengs and lians smoking along the pavements and making noises.
The whole lake district area is just so beautiful. Can't even afford to close your eyes to doze off even for a second.. you won't want to anyway. For those of you visiting UK, you MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST visit LAKE DISTRICT.
This picture might look ordinary. But just imagine standing there and looking right through the valley to the very end of the picture. Ok... yes... I am getting overly excited. I AM!
Check out the 'Meandering River' (Geography lesson by MR. Sham)
and look out for 'Hailer Chong' in the picture? (Used as a scale to show how big the area is)
Headed down to Buttermere lake towards the late morning. Another lake that you could just spend the evening sitting there, throwing and skipping stones, talk about life... and just chill. I wished we have had more time to do that.
PO-FAT-sional FOTOgrapher in the making
Still in the making...
The product of the photographer... tsk tsk... Hailer.. this picture look abit wrong leh
This picture looks super nice, not because of the person. But look at the stratified layered clouds!
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the cold chasing sheeps (Eastlife 2008) Meng kiat is the big culprit that chases any moving object he sees. He even cornered a sheep till it started to PEE because the poor little thing had no where else to run. S.P.C.A would have arrested him long ago if they witness his act.
Last lake before our departure 'Lake Windermere'

I really wished we had allocated more time for lake district. 2 days 1 night is definitely not enough to enjoy the beautiful 'Serene' If we had more time, we could sit by the lake, skip more stones, go for hike through the forest in the morning when the mist and fog are just clearing up. Some even reported that they see mouse-deers occasionally in these hikes! I'll be back.
And so its Good-bye to lake district as Hailer Chong raced us to the city of Liverpool. With the sole purpose of visiting 'Anfield'- The Liverpool football club base
After 4.5 hours of drive!!!!!!!!!
What is 'The KOP'???? King Of Pang-sai???
'Its too late.....'
And Yes, the 2 liverpool birds Hailer and Meng Kiat were DEVASTATED
Jonathan - Sad because he can't see the rival's field
Angus- doesn't seem to have any effect since he knows nuts about soccer.. apart from the ball being black and white and round.
After much discussion among the panel. We decided to stay for the night in the city of Liverpool. We consulted our GPS and looked for the most 'happening place' in town - 'The Albert dock'
The Albert Dock is a complex of dock buildings and warehouses in Liverpool, England. Designed by Jesse Hartley and Phillip Hardwick, it was opened in 1846, and was the first structure in Britain to built from cast iron, brick and stone, with no structural wood. As a result it was the first non-combustable warehouse system in the world.
Besides being globally known for 'Liverpool football club'
The Beatles came from Liverpool!
In fact, you see more of beatles than LFC everywhere you go!
And 'The Beatles' museum is right where we were, 'The Albert dock'
The t-shirt that Hailer Chong so regretted not buying.. But hey... its 25pounds ok.. that's like $75 SGD for a t-shirt? No way for me.. After loitering around Albert Dock for a awhile, we decided to focus on the problem at hand.. 'Where are we going to sleep tonight?' We did not plan to stay over at Liverpool, we have no accomodation! Are we gonna sleep 'where the streets have no name?' (U2 1989)
And we went on a mission searching for accommodation.
Team 1- Meng Kiat and Jonathan Prawn Tay
Team 2- Hailer Chong + Angus Sham
After 45minutes, team 1 succeeded in finding the cheapest and best accomodation around opposite Albert Dock- Youth Hostel Association (UK)
And Like I said, its all about Beatles here! (Picture taken along hostel corridor)
As a tribute to the all hailed 'Beatles,' we decided to all comb our hair the 'beatles' way
Sorry Jon... you look more like Mao Zedong
After settling down our stuff, we went hunting for the best deal of a dinner in town. And landed up in a real expensive truly authentic English Restaurant. And the reason why it was the best deal was because everyone gets a bottle of white/red wine (your choice) for free.
So what's up after dinner? Hailer got so high that he started doing crazy stuff The 'Beatles' hairstyle kind of make Hailer look like 'Seth' ... Oh.. but a Evil version of Seth
Shot dedicated to our Arty Farty TY... Tate Liverpool And more crazy stuff...
And the day ended with us at the casiNO again...
But hey... this is the Biggest CasiNO so far.. and one thing I noticed.. the CasiNO is FULL of Chinese people