Hey man... it is 'Crouch' not 'Crotch'
The 'Manchester United' Liverpool manager
The non-chalant soccer manager
Guess why PRC Jon is giving that 'Niao' face behind?
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At the Museum... Jonathan tried to set the Liverpool bird on fire...
Not only the bird...
Anything to do with liverpool in the Museum
Spot the difference
If you can't beat them, join them
The 'Burning' of the Liverpool bird
After burning of the bird, it was a 4-hr drive back to central London.
Caught 'The phantom of the opera' at Majestic theatre together with Kellie, Daphne and Summer.
PRC, Hailer and Kellie
Daphne and I, as well as an Ang Mo who saw a Phantom during the intermission
As usual, everyone was so nicely dressed except me...
The singing was awesome, but somehow... I didn't really enjoy the musical. Man.. but it's my last few nights in London.. must try to enjoy everything I can while I'm still here
Like... Chinatown's roast duck rice
Cassanova Chua