My last official FULL day in London, feels kind of weird. Somehow the places you've been to and the things you usually see don't appear to look like what they normally should. The university feels like somewhere else, Oxford street which i walk on everyday looks different for some reason. Perhaps it's the play of my own feelings, and through that certain emotion, it played with the 'lens' which I begin to see London today.
Meng Kiat went for the university tour in Oxford, while I had my own university tour back in UCL to settle some final administrative stuff
The Geography department's computer lab

Met up with Summer and Peggy for lunch before waving the last goodbyes

After which I went to Camden town to have my last dose of marijuana (Nah I'm kidding) or rather... to be stopped by the regular raggae boys who ask me 'Would you like some wheat inside the house? what about some 'apples'? '
And the time has finally come... and is here, to bring my whole London experience to a high 'closure.' Catching my FAVOURITE musician/guitarist play live! JOHN MAYER!!!!!!! I would have left much earlier back for Singapore if not for this concert. I was like rationing on bread and water the past few days because everything is running low on reserves. All for the LOVE of Mayer! But I guess it's a once in a life time thing, he probably will not come down to Singapore given the minute market we have... and it is sad that his style of music don't really cater to the Singaporean crowd. Back home, it seems like the Mat rockers get more attention then my Johnny May.
Brixton Academy. They even have the name John Mayer engraved BIG BIG at the front of the theatre.

When we arrived, there was already a LONG queue. It was like the old Nokia snake game which goes round and round the corners of the building. The ticket I bought was free-standing... both Meng Kiat and I were like... 'Shyzer.. with so many people infront of us, we gonna be way behind and blocked by the tall Ang-mos'

And an unfortunate accident occured in front of us while we were queuing to get in.. Well.. at least some entertainment.. (*hint, London should widen their roads, it's so narrow!)
It was SHOCKING when we entered the theatre. The front was not packed at all! BECAUSE EVERYONE WENT TO BUY BEER! Meng Kiat and I (being Singaporeans, correction, half) quickly dashed to the front and secured a space very near to the stage. SHIOKS! Man... this is a culture shock for us... if it was Singapore, i think people would have packed the front and reserved the spaces with their pathetic tissue paper packets for their friends who came late
Some local brit band opened for Mayer. Never heard of them before though. But boy was their music GOOD! I enjoyed every song .

Just some thoughts here... if this local (brit) band is already so good but sort of 'unknown,' how is it possible that back home (in Singapore) our local bands would aspire to tour the world by competing with these Ang-Mos??? Not trying to put down local musicians here, but think about it, English music came from the Ang-mos, how are we gonna re-package it and sell Ang Mo music back to the 'originals?' So my point is... if you're chinese, sing Chinese song... unless you're just happy staying comfortable in the local scene that is..
ANYWAY! Enough talk about that, looks who's here!

Mayer was just so so so so so GOOD... I have never ever attended a concert gig as kickass before. You MUST catch this guy live if he ever comes. I'll sponsor you half the tickets if you would. He's the best musician/guitarist ever. It was worth every single moment catching him, even if I had to eat worms and drink longkang water for the rest of the month in buying his tickets. The stage lights, the dynamics of the band, the 'feel' of his fingers on the fretboard and the way he pick the strings was just unbelieveable!!!
Mayer with his Gibson ES-335

This was the part where the 'Climax' came. Mayer was playing through his continuum album initially, while he was doing the final solo for 'slow dancing in a burning room,' the lights went off with his last note ringing in the background, once the light came on again, Mayer came in at the chorus of 'Why Georgia' with his acoustic guitar from his 'room for squares' album and the whole crowd went SO CRAZILY HIGH!!!

Not forgetting the signature Spastic face of Mayer

'Gravity... stay the hell away from me...'
And the whole world did change after the concert. Look at the aftermath.
And so will my world be reverted back to the old world once day breaks. Yes, this is my last night in London.
And Meng kiat says, 'Hey I'm sure you'll be back someday.'

I sure will, someday, somehow. But I guess the feeling's gonna be different. These 6 months, I came as a 'citizen' and student who lives in London. I experience the bi-weekly fluctuation in prices of the meat and vegetables, gets interrupted by the rain or snow for my usual runs, open the windows when it is getting warmer- I do the 'everyday' thing. The next time I come, I'm just a mere tourist having a 'getaway' These are times I will cherish, and it's really coming to an end