in church today, it kind of flung me into
deep thought. I thought I would walk inside
Hyde park instead of along the circumference to
give my creator the space to 'Sort me out'
Man... the flowers are so pretty
These 'White stuff' among the grass kind
of look unsightly yeah?
I always thought they were wild mushrooms
But its beauty caught my attention today
Afterall, it was not what I thought it was
Don't be too quick to jump into conclusions and
make your own assumptions of what it is yeah?
Give yourself a chance to discover its beauty
and give it a chance to show that 'it' 'she' 'he' is Good
I have never been intrigued by flowers
Until today...
Beautiful isn't it?
Be it as an individual, or as a whole,
The colour is... pretty...
No.. it is Pulchritudinous
Thats how good a painter and creative
my Creator is :P
It usually takes me 45 minutes to walk the path
Today, I strolled it through in 1h20min
But after this little walk with my Creator,
I guess I could safely say that I was 'sorted out'
and the feeling was..GOoooooD!
And lunch from my sponsors was good too!
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