Hey you forgot the letter 'I' to complete the word
Motivations for mugging sessions.. Junk
Shot dedicated to Hailer Chong
You have a similar 'Superman' T-shirt right?
Same colour somemore... this one is perfect for you
Letter 'J' Big big
At 2230hrs, Ms Kam and I headed to the Humanities
Library cause we needed to print some mug materials
Kuku me wasn't familiar with the photocopier...
Wasted money printing my notes in A3 size unknowingly
which cost twice as much... heartbroken
Well to comfort myself... the font size is bigger though..
And we signed up for some 'human tests' by the psychology
department to earn some quick money.
This friday's test is a verbal speech test that pays
6 pounds per hour... Perhaps I should take my time
in the test and make them pay me more.. hhhahaa
Tunnel leading to the Human's library
I like the blue lights!
And some Brocooli looking trees..
Book Ghosts lurking outside the UCL library
My table lamp has been spoiled for quite awhile..
But the Manly Mr Charity Kam, unscrewed my whole
table lamp and re-wired the whole socket...
And after changing the fuse and a new bulb
Thanks so much buddy. You're really Man man...
We always joke that one of the reasons why we can
clique is perhaps because She is kind of 'Man'
and I'm abit 'Gu-niang'
3 reasons why she is Man..
1. She goes to school with just a file and ONE pen..
w/o school bag (Totally Bo-hill like a guy)
2. She managed to unscrew my whole light socket to redo the wires
(I mean.. I as a guy dunno what is going on)
3. She's a sound mixing fanatic.. and a video editing Ah Siao..
And volunteered to do my conclusion mind-map just because
she enjoys using the functions of Microsoft word...
Thanks so much Boy. You have really been a BIG blessing
to me here in London. I Thank God for you.
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