Well.. just in central London...
Busy with a good cause, coursework and revision
Day 92 (Summer's Birthday!)
Summer's colleague planned a mini suprise dinner for Summer and invited me to join them that evening
Felt a bit Gao wei cause I was the only guy there
Peggy (Summer's colleague) 
Kathy (Peggy's sister, Geography Major, King's College London)

I ordered a chicken Katsu Don, to my horror, it tasted like CRAP... Horrible
Wai Wai (from Taiwan) and Summer

Day 93
The first day of mugging in school..

It was very difficult to find a place to study..
Took us alot of effort to 'hunt' for one..
Kathy (Peggy's sister, Geography Major, King's College London)
I ordered a chicken Katsu Don, to my horror, it tasted like CRAP... Horrible
Day 93
The first day of mugging in school..
It was very difficult to find a place to study..
Took us alot of effort to 'hunt' for one..
Many times, we were chased out by the faculty staff
Back in NUS, there are a thousand and one places you can study.. Lecture theatres, tutorial room... canteen.. study areas..
Oh man, I'm missing FYDI, hailer and the tables at central forum!
Day 94
Look at the amount of people having their lunch at the main building!
We managed to settle at a nice little seminar room which was
into the audio system!
we realised we were locked inside the geography deparment building...
everyone has knocked off and left home...
Guess what? We climbed out of the windows...
found a fireman ladder and climbed down from the 2nd storey!
Man.. it was kind of fun though...
The last time I
The last time I
climbed out of school was in Junior college when
I wanted to escape from the JC-1 orientation (Oops...)
Can't believe university student liao still do this kinda of things..
Day 95
Woke up at 1030hrs in the morning and joined
some of the guys for a Basketball game
I could not because I was grouped into a
team that was ultra competitive..
Jargons like 'Screen-left' 'basket-count' 'one-slow' were used...
Left me in quite some confusion..
Well thats the consequences of skipping Bball trainings
and got kicked out of the team back in secondary school!
Day 96
Charity called my mobile and woke me up at 0830hrs.
Got a shock of my life because I was supposed to meet her
at 1030hrs to check out Kensington temple's youth gathering,
thought I woke up late or what...
Ms Kam 'Eh look out of your window now'
Shamgus 'Why, snow ah?'
Ms Kam 'Yah, super big somemore'
It was held at a pub in Piccadlily circus.
I love it when I see 'freedom' in the
expression of worship in a gathering
Instead of being conserved and concerned
if the person opposite is looking at you,
these people are really 'free'and serious when it
comes to praise and worship which was beautiful
One of the most important thing to me when
I attend a gathering like this is that
I must walk away edified and fed
What about transformation?
Well, i guess its a choice on our part when
you walk out of the room and back to your own journey
Its gotta do with what you do after being fed.
You can be fed, but are you still the same old you?
We had a free lunch in the pub sponsored by K.T
which was awesome!
Left: Angus Sham
Right: Angus Burger (I'm not joking, its called Angus burger!)
AND YES!!!! We saw the Olympic torch ran past us.
Focus your eyes on the lady in white
We could have missed it totally if the person praying
prayed a few seconds longer. Thank GOD so much!
We attended the evening service at 1900hrs at K.T
It was a spectacular meeting
The Black Youths were like break dancing on stage
during Praise and worship
The 60+ year olds blackmamas were so passionate and high
They got me really excited as well!
After the whole P & W, everyone was like clapping
and shouting "Jesus!!! (clap 3 times) Jesus!!! (clap 3 times)"
and the band came back in and led us in one more song.
Somehow, I really like the 'Black' culture
These are a group of people really really TALENTED
in music, singing... and dance.
When they talk.. they are like rapping..
when they walk... they are like dancing..
What about some Baggy jeans, duck cap
and blink blinks for a start?
Some interesting quotes from William Lee's sermon
'Don't ever feel that the devil is a roaring lion waiting to devour you,
He's just a mouse using a microphone'
'If he starts reminding you of your past,
You remind him of his future'
And later in the evening, it was just good time chilling out
in the common room at goldsmid and walloping good food
Went for a bible study this evening
'Let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us' Hebrews 12:1
I was just thinking to myself, What if one day
when I finally returned HOME,
and GOD screen me a video of
'The life that Angus was SUPPOSED to live'
And in this video, my life was packed with excitement and thrill,
victorious, full of his glory, full of dreams fulfilled
And then I was screen another video of my actual journey on earth.
I guess it would still be exciting, but compared to the first one,
it was no where close in terms of excitement and thrill.
I guess if that was the case, I would be crushed... so sad!
Because really, 'We were meant to live for SO MUCH MORE'
Don't miss out the opportunities God has set out for you
If I continue to live the way I am,
I might totally miss out on what was planned for me in the first video
What kind of video would you like to watch when you finally return home?
Random shots on my way home. Houses along the river
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