Guess whats my favorite color for a top?
Anyone wants to buy 2nd hand lingerie?
Took a nice little nap (on the floor) and was awaken
by the gentle afternoon sun
Man.. the chill out days in this little comfy room
of mine is gonna 'expire' soon.. very soon
Headed down to the Last Session of OCF for the term
Introducing my beloved small group
Since it was the last gathering,
we're to share about our thanksgivings and learnings
for the first 6 months of 2008
It was very depressing for me when I first arrived
The sun sets at 4pm and all was cold and gloomy
I practically knew no one here and it can be very lonely at times
But I thank God for this small group of mine that gave me
genuine love and support during my time in London
They're a great bunch of people that I'll definitely miss. Alot.
Tamara Our Lady-Boss
Leonard the Cold Joke King
Faith the faithful little one
Jacqueline the Ah Lian
Sam the Mr Cool boxers
The Year 2 Geography Majors of OCF - Angus and Joyce
Not forgetting these 2 buddies that have brought
me so so much joy over the past few months

And thanks for the gift from Ms Zhang (My future boss in MOE)
After OCF, we deaded down for a Charity + Birthday gig
nearby Waterloo area organised by one of the fellow OCFers
Su Wen, the Birthday girl
En qi did a number of covers + Originals which was rock solid
Mr Clarence Taylor's 5 finger picking techique was
face melting as usual
Took a double-deck bus home after the event
The streets of London was beautiful on this friday evening
The thought of parting with this city is sad

Man.. I think I have fallen in love with London