My exam venue was at 'The English folk dance and song society'
How cool is that man?
The Last browse
My Buddy for the course, Mr. Tim Reid
I started off the first question well, but didn't end it on a 'high' I realise after going through 4 terms of University exams that my stamina for writing a good essay could only last for ONE question..
Towards the last question, my mind was exhausted,
stressed by time and the urge to 'P'
Couldn't link the arguments well and all else went haywire
Thus, although loud cheers were heard in the hall when
'Pens down' was announced, I didn't felt that sensation of
'freedom' that I was expecting for.
It's interesting, before the exam, I was so so looking forward
to that 'feeling' of release, of freedom.
But when all is done, it was just like... 'Ok... and so?'
Perhaps things might be different if I ended off the last question well. But still, all is done and I'm happy. It's time to play!
In celebration of my final paper, 'SUB' for lunch
and turned myself into a 'Lab Rat' right-away
Today's test was ultra interesting, I was shut in this room
with electrodes on my forehead, nose and raised into
the machine. For once, I felt what 'Lincoln burrows' felt
when he was put on the electric chair
I was then made to play 'photo-hunt'
The electrodes were used to measure electrical activity by my brain when it processes
At the end of the test, I asked the reseacher
'So what did you find out about my brain?'
He replied 'I found nothing inside'
And we both burst out laughing...
In the evening, I headed down to
'Oriental City' together with Leonard, Faith and Summer
On days which I look unkempt, unshaven and 'Lup Sup'
Burglar Tay, my fellow buddy in Singapore always say to me
'Hey The stock market crashed yesterday ah?'
Well, guess I shall shave tomorrow since my
period of 'mourning' is finally over!!
Oriental City is a mall in Zone 4, Suburbs of London
When I reached there I was like... 'Oh My...'
It was as if I was teleported to Asia
The Food Court
And we headed down to the 'Arcade' to play 'Digital D'
To congratulate CPT Lee Teck Horng for his
New opportunity to influence more lives, I have specially
picked a Black Subaru WRX to run the race in the game
Dance dance revolution used to be an 'Ah Lian and Beng game' - Social construction It's interesting and refreshing to see 'Ang Mo Lian' playing
I took alot of time and energy searching for
Mr.Ed, Spy Lau and Hailer Chong in this supermarket.. But I can't find them
To conclude my 'Freedom' and 'release from the prison cell'
To my Play-mate since young Mr Hailer Chong
'HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY!!!!!!'
Make sure you SHOUT LOUDER and LOUDER
the Goodness of Boss so that all your friends and relatives could hear and taste of it as well
Make sure you SHOUT so loud that you yourself become deaf and cease to hear
the voice of the 'Mouse with the microphone'
Keep Shouting my friend!
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