as a post exam celebration. My dear Mr Gordon Chua must be
enjoying his share of Pizza at Malta
Food aside, we had a long discussion
on 'What's the best animal to have as a pet'
After much cross benefit analysis and pragmatic considerations,
we arrived at the conclusion that a turtle is the best pet to have
#1 It is super low maintainance (You can chill for 3 mths during its hibernation)
#2 It is cheap to buy
#3 It has a loooonnnngggg lifespan
#4 Even if it escapes, it can't run far away
Something's wrong with my body today
1. I wanted very much to sleep in till later to recuperate from the
prolonged mental exhaustion. But I woke up at 9.30am and couldn't get
back to sleep anymore
2. I used to be able to wipe out a cow when it comes to buffet...
But I only managed to survive through 2 salad servings + 3 slices of Pizzas
Salad (2 plates)
Pizza (3 slices)
Headed down to Camden market to 'Look see look see'
On my way, I saw this 'serious looking' building
But it has cat designs on the exterior.. weird yah?
Saw this guy doing beat-boxing + Rapping with
the use of 2 electric guitar mutli-effects
Along Camden road, a black guy kept smiling at me
and freaked me out by walking towards me...
'Any Marijuana for you?'
And I'm not sure if it was because of him..
At the tube station, the police officers requested for me
to step aside to be sniffed by the dog because it was
sniffing one of my pockets... Dead skin cells maybe?
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