search for some past year papers in the
school archives when I witness a protest on the road
Lotsa people wearing the 'V for Vandetta' mask again
They're protesting against the church of Scientology
The word Scientology literally means "the study of truth." It comes from the Latin word "scio" meaning "knowing in the fullest sense of the word" and the Greek word "logos" meaning "study of."
Apparently there are many controversies in their believes and some categorize them as 'cult'
This is a venue for the Scientology believers
along tottenham court road opposite my school.
They set up tables in front of
the 'church' offering 'Free stress test'
I have got friends who went for it and was categorized as
'stress.' Thats when they start sharing their beliefs
I got so fascinated by the protestors that I requested a
photo with them..
masks from
The streets of London seem to be
crowded and very happening on this Saturday Evening.
Well, perhaps because Summer is here (And spring was totally missed!)
Sighs.. Some of my friends (here and London) and
you guys in Singapore have finished all your exams!
It seems like I'm the only poor soul that started before
everyone and end after all of you. My exam duration spans
from 24th April - 22nd May... *wipes sweat*
Maybe I should just go and pull a trishaw huh?
Nah... I shall 'Fight the good fight,
run the good race, and keep the Faith'
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