Kathy will be leaving back for Hong Kong next thursday
(the day of declaration for my release from prison
+ 23yr anniversary of Global Live hailing)
Start Drooling all you people

The weather in London sure is eccentric.
While we were out in Berms and short sleeve tees last week.
The temperature has dropped to a single digit these 3 days
and we have since wrapped ourselves into a dumpling once again

Man.. these 2 are the smartest dogs I have ever seen
And they only understand Cantonese
The BBQ consist of 2 core groups
The Hongkongers

The Taiwanese

Thanks to Dad and Mum, I could transform
myself between the 2...
Not forgetting Summer, my same species
This was the best for the night
Authentic Cantonese dessert
The Master of the Magic hands
Uncle and Aunty (Kathy's in laws)
I had a good time chatting with the different groups
With Uncle, we talked about My migration story to Singapore
as well as his migration story to the UK.
Perfect revision for my next exam
And with the Taiwanese folks, we talked about
our different experiences in National Service (huh again?)
as well as how you could turn your world upside down
when you speak 'English' while shopping in the Taiwanese
boutiques, or what more when you're clubbing

And I was introduced to Natsuko Kobiyama
A Japanese girl studying at Royal Holloway, political studies major
She'll be doing a 1-year student exchange programme to
National University of Singapore, Faculty of Arts and Social Science
the following semester from August - May 09
Guess I'll have to play host then
and folks in Singapore, I'll need your help as well
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