Textile centre bowling alley (Closed down for renovation)

Prata House (Briayni + Ko-song world best)

Jalan Kayu (World best Cheese Prata + Bee hoon Goreng + Nasi Ayam)
United Square Starbucks

Spy Mansion settling (www.spymansion.blogspot.com) --> Ah Lau's new blog

Bugis street (World best dessert + Taiwan beef noodles

Where you can find me on a Saturday in London
I knew I had work to do like my Geography Coursework, working out the music arrangement for Easter Outreach etc etc. But I just din feel like doing it, or in fact just din feel like doing anything at all.
It was like 'you need to do it' 'but you can't because you don't feel like and you don't have that energy to.' I have never felt this way before back in Spore.
It felt so bad and crappy that at 2200hrs, after spending some time with Boss, I took a walk by myself down the streets, just to get out of the house.
And just like how you would cheer up any grumpy little Kid,
you bring them to Mac-donalds.
And buy them an Ice-cream
I took a walk towards an area I have not explored before and came across your street Mr George Lau
See! The ice-cream makes the kid smile
Some art work displayed outside Selfridges
I walked on and thought to myself 'How i wish I could stay as a kid forever.'
Thinking of the next 4 years ahead kind of freaks me out.
I can't imagine myself not being able to hang out late at those places anymore.
Tied down with setting exam papers, marking scripts, preparing lesson plans, doing work review, supporting your family, taking on more responsibilities and the list goes on.
Just like S.H.E's hot hit 'Bu Xiang Zhang Da' I really wish I could stay as a kid.
Doing kiddy stuffs like this...
Look at how Happy the Joshua-s look
The kids that don't grow up
And as I browsed on the photo-album, the feelings of Nostalgia came back to our gut bursting trip to Taiwan. It was good and memorable times and I wish time could stop for us there and then.
'Growing old is inevitable, but growing up is a choice. Secured in the promises of GOD, I look, I trust, I pray.'
And to Ms Sham Tsz In, I had a good time skyping with you earlier this morning.

Don't worry so much about what is to come, the Shams are with you in this together.
Look forward in seeing you in the UK.
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