Gordon left for the City of Rome this morning at 0230hrs
I woke up at 1030hrs (Miracle!!)
to help Peggy with her luggage.
She is heading to California to spend the
holidays with her Boyfriend
It was a big luggage for her to push to the tube station,
so I thought I would give her a hand in that.
Bye Peg!
I also got alot of luggage
Where am I heading to this time round???
Oh... I was just cleaning my room...
And in the afternoon,
the Italianos left for Italia... Home sweet home
And as for me...
Its the London Skies and Me back in my little room
Ben had a party to attend to tonight,
so smart and handsome!
I went to Marks and Spencer at 0130hrs
Oh my goodness! There was a MOUNTAIN of GOOD FOOD!
It was SO MUCH that I could dive
into the bins and swim freestyle...frog-style..
BUT...because the disposal truck was coming in,
I had no time to sort everything out,
the security guard shouted
'Take the whole bag and go my friend! and
watch out for the truck there!'
But I couldn't because it was too heavy...
I just took what I needed and left
2 Pizzas, 4 chicken pies, 1 cheese steak
As I was pretty hungry, I put the chicken pie to cook
Look at that piece of CHICKEN!!
It was the BEST supper I had in London thus far..
Just imagine in the cold... with this hot pie and hot Ovaltine..
I can't use a better word then, SHIOK LAH!
Wanted to cook another one... but Hey, watch your weight
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