I hope you'll enjoy your Easter back in Singapore!
Woke up at 1030hrs (Another Miracle)
Called on a Mission at Buckingham Palace
Walked along Hyde Park towards the Palace
The flowers are pretty aren't they?
When I arrived, I got a shocked of my life...
It looked as if the feeding of the 5000
were to take place again. I was wondering where did
all this people come from on a weekday like this?
I was squeezed, squashed and couldn't see a Single thing
It was times like this that I wished I was taller...
All I could do was to raise my camera to take blind shots
in the hope that they will turn out well..
The March Past..
Looks like my blind shot taking skills are not bad eh?
I'm not sure how I did it..
But somehow I managed to drill through the holes
and openings through the raging crowds...
And before I know it, I found myself right
in front of the Main Gate of Buckingham Palace and got
the World best view!!
Well, sometimes its easier when you
work alone, the Commandos will understand what I mean
Enjoy the Video Old Man, all for you!
The dispersing crowd
After all is done,
I walked towards Chinatown to do some Chinese grocery shopping.
Walked pass St James park on the way down
As I was walking, I was just thinking to myself
London is a lovely place,
and I'm starting to get used to the life here,
and slowly developing a Love for London
Beautiful parks, nice scenary, magnificent Architecture
with a comfortable climate
If I could teleport my love ones with me, it would be perfect
Well reality strikes with the signboard
Shots delicated to TY
Yes, thanks for reminding me of my age
Lunch 2/3 Marks and Spencer sponsored
Later in the evening, Charity came over to
go through some of the Easter service set for OCF
After 3hrs plus of drilling through the songs...
Food (Sponsored by M & S)
The Raffles V.S KCP shoot out
Raffles = Study, books, study...
The difference between the
Independent sch and the Neighbourhood school
Going to which Secondary sch, which JC
used to be a life and death issue for me
But looking at who I am today, I came to realise that
at the end of the day, its really not so much of what you
go through, but who you become ultimately
But again, where you go to shapes who you become isn't it?
So my little take away, whether you are at a place you like or
don't like, trust GOD that he has planned for you to be
there for a unique journey, just for the unique you
So don't compare with others opposite the riverbank
You have a unique journey waiting for the unique you!!
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