I wish the snow could stay unmelt on the ground and
blanket it into a layer of white carpet
Gipsy William Lee asked the crowd
a few questions in church today
'Why did Jesus remove the BIG rock of his tomb?'
Was it because he wants to show that he is muscular?
or is it because He wanted to get out?
'He rolled away the BIG rock so that you could get in
and testify his resurrection Power'
The BIG rock is like obstacles in our way in the everyday,
Struggles, sin, sickness, depression, angst, or just
in areas where you seem to see no light and all seems hopeless
Big, small, stubborn.. all of the above
His ressurection Power CAN move that ROCK (obstacle)
however big, small stubborn
Lunch at Bayswaters
Kiasu restaurant
Selling Singapore stuff... too expensive
so I am Kia-xi to eat it
Went to sub-way to have my first sub
Never even 'Sub' before in Singapore
Shot delicated to Hailer Chong
How, is this considered your Gothic?
Ok.. what about if I add some birds into the picture?
The demolished building beside my hall..
I hope the contractors are doing a good job...
I went to Hillsong London to check out their
Easter service in the late evening.
Totally blown away by what God wanted to do
'Is there a circumstance where you see no hope and no light
and no way out? Would you please stand where you are?'
'Is there a broken relationship whereby it seems there's
no way of restoration and repair, Would you please stand?'
'Are there garbages that you have been carrying all along,
searching for a place to know where to dump them?'
And the whole dominion theatre was filled with the standing congregation crying
out for the ressurection power to give the broken hearted the courage to stand up
and fight (And you don't have to fight alone in this)
The garbage i have been carrying all along is not only heavy,
but it has spilled all over the floor, mixed and all messed up.
So messed up until I don't know how and where to begin to clear them all
But Jesus is saying 'When you cry out, I listen and
I'm close to those who are broken and afflicted.'
'When you cry out, I can't ignore'
But wait, crying seems to be a weakling kind of behaviour isn't it?
Exactly, thats because I am weak and I don't have
it right altogether. I need to cry out.
'The Same Power that conquered the Grave lives in you'
This is a Powerful powerful song
(Anticipating its release sometime in June 2008 Hillsong London)
I hope you don't mind the singing congregation though!
My friends, my wish is that you can also leave your thrash (if you have any)
at the feet of this man who moved that rock, because he CAN move ANY rock and obstacles in your way
My first Instant noodle dinner in London
Euros euros
I'll be heading to Berlin (Germany) till thursday
for a short trip with 4 other friends
This blog gonna be freezing in the cold once again
And to everybody!
'The Same Power that conquered the grave lives in you!'
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