There was an earthquake tremor in London last night.
I was sitting in my room, surfing the net.

At 0230hrs thereabout, I felt my chair spinning by a force in a circular fashion.
I remember it to be the exact 'feeling' I got in an earthquake back in Taiwan 2006December.
I look out of my window, opened my door to see if there was any commotion. Everything seemed to be dead still. 'It must be my own imagination.' I thought.
The next day, on facebook, on tabliods and in conversations were 'Did you feel that last night?' 'Yes I did.'
Went for a run with Gordon this evening. He was like my tour guide bringing me through an orientation run, shooting pictures along the way.

When we pass by this very nice building, I asked him 'What's this?'
'Your favourite building lah...'
No... its not my favourite building, its the Old man's favourite building.
Buckingham Palace- The Queen's Official Residence.

If you have caught 'National Treasure 2' This was the place where Nicholas Cage broke in to steal the codes on the stone tablets.
Westminster Abbey (Where Issac Newton and other famous ppl are buried)

We decided to take a break under Waterloo bridge by the River Thames where there was a 2nd hand book fare. An Ang Mo lady came up to me and said, 'Excuse me, how much are these books?' I was trying to decipher what she was saying and she went
'Don't you work here??' Man... looks like I look equally lup sup after I have shaved.
On Waterloo Bridge

The Beautiful London Skies

Outside the very busy National Gallery

'Hey Brother Bill, what do you think of my brother Phil?'

Meet my brother 'Spencer Chua'

After the Long Nong run, we did 4 sets of static exercises consisting of pull-ups and
'bridge' (abs exercise) By the time I hit the 3rd set, I was already doing assisted pull-ups with Gordon pushing me up. Malu sial...
2250hrs: Operation Vulture
We had a GREAT Harvest of Pastries.
I think we brought back almost 50 pounds worth of bread, sandwhiches and Organic tomatoes which was ACE.

In the pile: Roast Chicken Sandwhich,
Long bread sandwhich with 'Roasted Beef' / Ham and Cheese/ Mushroom Vege
The Organic Tomatoes look really fresh and beautiful. So rich in colour that it looked abit fake.

We had so much food that we started distributing to the rest of the Hall.

Thanks Mr Gordon Spencer for taking time out to show me around during the run today!
and also inconveniencing yourself to run with your camera to snap pictures.
Xie xie ni! ;p