Lots of by-passers took out their cameras to snap a shot for whatever reasons.
And I followed suit...
Headed to the Library free access cluster to do some mugging after class.
I used to print all my readings and lecture notes back in NUS.
But due to the high cost of printing here, I gotta make do with reading from the screen. 'Together, you and I can save the world'
Met Joseph and Charity coincidentally in the library. Man, studying beside the RJians
made me super stress.
Charity bought a USB vaccum cleaner for his Dad's birthday. Man, the design was unique!
So, looks like lots of attention have been given to the all-hailing, cool mushroom looking, Centre Parting hairstyle recently. This 'fashionable tool' swept the whole of Asia into a hot craze and frenzy back in 1995-1998.
Speaking of which, how could we not pay tribute to Mr Aaron Kwok?

Or the Boyish looking 'Girl Killer' from Backstreets?
Okay, Camy this is the part you're supposed to SCREAM

Were you one of these young innocent Victims swept by the craze?

My condolences to certain individuals

Power lah Johnboy!
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