After which we headed down to the 'National History Museum' together with Chuyan.

There were so many galleries! And first we headed to see the Dinosaur gallery. It was packed with families bringing their kids along. Somehow, dinosaurs never fail to be in the hot books of children. I wonder why. Were you one of those kids before?
Skeleton of a Baby ape. Quite similar to us eh?
Oyaku-Don = Japanese Chicken Rice
Katsu-Don = Japanese Pork (Sorry ah Talib) Rice
What is this?
Sharp tooth!

How many Yee-egg you want?
Tell me why is this Dinosaur Male?
There was this gallery that shows comic strips of 'Reasons why Dinosaurs disappeared from the surface of the earth' and I felt it was quite interesting.
Oh... Ben oh..
I so Love this one.. (Scratch scratch)
I remember having one of this when I was a kid!
I was reminded of how crazy I was over dinosaurs when I was younger. I remember my parents brought me to the theatre to catch 'The land before time' in HongKong when I was about 3? Boy was the cartoon a Emo one!
Oooo... Hailer Chong is the doctor for PRC Jonathan Charles Tay?
Next, to the Primates gallery
In Loving memory of our late, sobz sobz... Mr Ah Meng
I would have freaked out if I see one of this
For you only boss, for you Edward
Bear and a mal-nourished short sighted bear
My Singapore, My Home!
Man this Meh Meh looks fierce... Mary you not liddat one right?
I felt like Adam, animals coming to me to be named. Charity and I were discussing. If GOD gave Adam the authority to rule over all animals. Can you imagine if he asked a T-rex to roll over?
Slim-11 advertisement: Before
Soldier fish. Does it resemble Horng Ge?
Reminds of the brand alien workshop
Headed for a lunch break at around 1400hrs. Crossed over to the oppsite street and we saw a restaurant serving familiar food from home!!!
Prata leh! But.... £3.00 No way I'm gonna spend that when I can get a 2 piece chicken meal.
But we ordered...
Nasi Lemak (Though I think it looks more like chicken Briyani)
Ma Lai Mian!!!!!! (Mee Goreng)
Chuyan looks so happy with her MaPo Tofu Rice
After lunch, it was back to the museum.

Rocks and minerals gallery.

Geography Lesson 2 with Mr Angus Sham
Look at that Gigantic Tree trunk. Giant Sequioa its called.

Creepy crawlers gallery
Hey, I have eaten you alive. Why are you still here?
Phebe, come down. Don't climb so high. Break your wrist who replace you on Keys?
Check out our new tattoo.

We left the museum and came across this exhibition
We were supposed to head home. BUT.. another museum came in the way. Victoria and Albert Museum.
For a moment, I felt so home. I thought I was back in Yio Chu Kang Chalet. Shots delicated to my Dad. I believe you would love this!
Why are these 2 Ang-Mos PDA-ing in front of a statue...
Shots delicated to Theadora Sham Tsz In who is a Japanese culture Enthu-kia
Ok Charity mind your steps. If you fall, how are you going to answer the taxpayers reading this blog???!??
I was hunting for the supermarket along oxford street, but somehow I couldn't find it today...weird.
But while I was just walking, I walked into 2 of my friends from Hillsongs London. Kwame and Amy. We chatted for awhile and when I was about to leave, Amy asked me if I would like to join them for a drink. And so, off to starbucks we went.
I was telling Kwame that back home I will sometimes choose 'Nigeria' when we were playing soccer video games because the team ran so fast!
He replied, 'I'm from Ghana.' OopsXXX... Forgot where he was from. Pai seh sial!
Amy and I
We were sharing with each other our Salvation testimony, interest, dreams.. ambitions etc. It ended off with Amy and Kwame praying for me. Amy released a word that was a big 'direction' to me and I believe so much that it was from GOD.
She said 'There was a reason why I chose to invite you to join us because I sense so much that God wants to use me to tell you that you NEED to spend time with him.' That was more than enough to blow me all over the shop. Yes, I haven't been faithful in spending time talking to my best friend the past few days. And I need to spend time talking to him.
Isn't it amazing? God 'hid' the supermarket so that I would walk into his people whom he has assigned to direct myself back to him.
Later on, we migrated to Mac donalds where Kwame did a bible study with us on Romans8 because I told him it was one of my hot favourites in the book.
'So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life-giving spirit has freed you through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death.'
There is no stubborn stain that GOD cannot wash away. The same power that conquered the grave lives in you. Thats your freedom for those who are in him.
Some of my army friends have once said to me 'Being a Christian = No freedom, you can't do this, you can't do that.' would you define the word 'Freedom?'
Is Freedom doing whatever you like and whatever you want?
Do you have the freedom to 'Not smoke?'
Do you have the freedom to 'Not using vulgarities?'
Do you have the freedom to 'Not sleep around?'
Some are trapped in the deep struggles of drug addiction, ciagrettes, alcohol. They wish to break out, but they can't. Is doing whatever you like then freedom?
I can't say I know everything about freedom. But at least for me, true freedom is having the freedom to do what you ought to be doing, and what you should be doing.
You Should be loving your parents, can you?(Some do not have the freedom to do so even if they wished to, because they spend most of their time trapped in debts, being a slave to their work. Even if they wished to show love to their parents, they can't due to certain cicrumstances and lost the 'freedom' to be filial to their parents)
You should be loving to your spouse, can you?
(Some wished to love their wives/husbands, but because of certain mistakes of infidelity, they are trapped in a pit of problems he himself/herself has created and lost the 'freedom' to love his/her spouse)
You should do your best in school. (Some wished they could study hard, but because of Gaming/Soccer gambling etc addiction, they find it so hard to say 'NO' to these pleasures and lost the freedom to do well in school even if they wished to do well.)
'So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life-giving spirit has freed you through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death.'
You can be free today
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