It is until I travelled out of London that I truly experience the UK. Somehow London is like a boiling pot, people from all nations, all ethnicity, all languages just fused into one. Together with the tall buildings, busy streets with fast walking people, its no different from back home in Singapore, Hongkong or any other cities you can think of.
So here goes!
Collected the car. We booked a Ford Fiesta at £122.42 initially. But because they were 'Out of Stock' They gave us a Volkswagen Passat 2.0 which was much more powerful and at the same price! So it was a blessing, free upgrade!! :P
But the only drawback... it was a manual car.. I drove out in the streets of London with multiple road hazards...frequent stallings... Man I almost endangered 4 lives with me. Scary, it was such a bad experience that I declined driving for the rest of the journey.
After 3 long hours of drive. We arrived at 'Weymouth town' in search for lunch. It was a nice old little town separated by a river in between.
My lunch 'English Breakfast'
Smoothest driver award. Mr Nicholas Tsao (MOE Teaching Scholar overseas, Geography Major)
Arrival at West Lulworth.
On your left, Ms Tan Chu Yan (MOE Teaching Scholar Overseas, Maths Major)

Are You Ready for Geography lessons with Mr.Angus? If you are, please take out your textbooks and turn to page...

Ms Charity Kam (Moe Teaching Scholar Overseas, Psychology Major)
Mr. Angus Sham (MOE Teaching Local Awardee aka fake scholar, Geography Major)
The Pride of RJC students
Chapt 11: Coastal Landforms
School Venue: Bishan
School: Raffles Institution (Wooow... Wah....)
School Venue: Bishan
School: Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School (Simi lai eh???)
Some Showdown pics
Meh meh eat what?

Anybody can give me sheep for Oar?
And we chased the sheeps...

The 2 Shepherds

And met Cows along the way

Shooting game with Charity. I shoot you, you shoot me. I shoot you shooting me and you shoot me shooting you. (Wah New Poem)

And of course, Charity won the shooting game with her shot of the day!

The sun is setting, and its time to go.
Caravan house we saw on our way back
We did not book any accomodation. And thats exactly why it was so fun! Being panicky about where to put up for the night and slightly 'stranded' in an unfamiliar place (In the woods!) An element of risk and adventure. We went past a few 'Bed and breakfast' The prices were reasonable. But being fellow Singaporeans, we want the best deal right? We travelled between towns and finally settled for a Bed and Breakfast of £15/person.
BG Joseph Ng(Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Scholar, future Chief of Navy)

The getaway to the countryside was magnificient. Think about the 'Tom Sawyer' kind of setting. You're there. On your front, you see the gigantic ocean meeting the horizons, on your left right and back are lush green pastures with sheeps and cows grazing. How awesome is that? As I just sat on the seacliff looking far, I felt so so so so small. I can't help but Praise GOD for his beautiful art work.
But whilst I'm enjoying the beautiful pictures, my heart was with you guys. Deep in my heart, it brings me no complete satisfaction enjoying this picture alone, I wish you were with me, enjoying it together. Good things are meant to be shared, I get what this means now.
1 comment:
First mistake: It's melting pot, not boiling pot.
Second mistake: Sheep for Ore, not oar.
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