Shot taken at 5pm
Guess where did I go after school this evening?
To Johnboy: Did you see the Afro looking guy in the pic? I asked him for you 'Where can I buy an Afro comb?'
He replied 'Sorry I don't comb my hair. I don't need one.'
By this time, you must be thinking I wasted my life drinking in a Pub.
You are WRONG
I went for a...
representing UCL at London School Of Economics (LSE)
At first when I agreed on participating, I thought it would be some very very formal quiz where you are sitted in rows, with pen and paper in your hands, push buttons to answer questions, and an old smart looking professor with strong british accent would be addressing the participants...
here is a young man, with alcohol in his hands chairing the quiz..
Our team of 6 representing UCL.
Some of the questions asked were crazy.. Below are a few examples..
1. How many gallons of water (to the nearest billion) does the 3 Gorges dam produce
per day?
2. Why is Mayfair called Mayfair?
3. What is the number of people on 'Facebook' in the London network?
4. What are the top 3 activities on facebook?
The 2nd segment was very interesting. They played CD sound tracks and we're supposed to guess the country of Origin for the music..
The only one I could guess was 'Sweet Home Alabama'
But there were some free frag questions for us.
1. Name the Capital of Indonesia
2. Name the 5 biggest islands in Indonesia
3. Who was the author of 'Necessity is the mother of all Inventions??' FYDI??
Mark and I realised that we had the same Handphone pouch from Singapore.
The Finale of the Geography quiz was a drinking competition between the different universities can you imagine?
Towards the end, a fight almost broke out between LSE and UCL
All the different universities were like shouting out nasty names for other universities. A UCL representative went up stage, grab the mic and sang a song to 'Boo' LSE.
The LSE table threw cups, plastic bottles and a CHAIR!!!! I was so scared that a riot would result in that little basement. The TENSION is here...
To make things worst, the EMcee (frm LSE) shouted vulgarities into the mic and said 'thats so typical of UCL students to bla bla bla...'
In the end, not sure if it was to soothe the tension, they announced the winner as 'Royal Holloway University' The university that was more neutral.
BUT it was a BIG eye-opener for me. A geography quiz in a pub setting? Never will I be able to see that back home.
The 3 timid Singaporeans that might have appeared in 'The straits times' Obituary
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