Thanks to Kellie's persistant Sms Artillery (Arty) bombardment (With instigation by TY the Arti farty man) I woke up to attend Virtual Webcast Cell group through Skype.
It brought me so much Joy to be 'back' in the family again. I might not be physically there, but I could feel the unity in the presence of GOD as I closed my eyes to pray together with every one of you.

With many Thanks to Narash who took the initiative to speak into the mic to convey the message when I could not hear clearly.
Thanks for showing me your Nostrils Daniel. It was rather clean (Compliments frm UK)

And thanks for all your prayers and blessings through the webcam!

And finally thanks for not forgetting my 'birthday' and risking the fire-alarm!

On our way to Joseph and Charity's birthday dinner, the tube broke down for the
103rd time. Gordon and I took the chartered bus by the london transport authority to the nearest Light rail station at 'Canary Wharf' (London's CBD)
The background shows 'The Global Financial Capital.' Yet the irony is that the 'objects' displayed in the pictures are victims of the Tube break down.
Nobody else but us in the Light Rail
Please dial +4407942706138 to order your Fire extinguish today
When we arrive, we realised it was a Super 'ATAS' place. Man, Joseph gonna burn his pocket big time today. Charity is being too Charitable as well...

Everyone was so well dressed. Thank God for Gordon who warned me before hand, 'Try not to wear jeans.'
Choice of 3 main course
Char grilled Pork chop - £23.95
Fillet Steak - £22.50
Seafood Seabass - £23.50
Joshua Lau, I miss you so much
The Special Card
Only to land in the hands of a Special Champion :P
Wanted Criminals- Marks & Spencer
The Birdae boy
Samuel, best dress award at all times. I felt he look so much like one my Sispec buddies back in my army days.
Just like what we do in Singapore, the 'Where to go next' discussion after every event.
The tai-tais slowly stroll in
TY's favourite tube

Tube Shoot-out

Thanks for your generosity Joseph and Charity. You guys must have burnt a BIG hole in ur pockets. I'll repay you guys with my Secret Receipe of Cheese instant noodles. Tested and proven thumbs up by the Singapore individuals right?
With many many thanks and Love, Happy 22nd Joseph!
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