Weather was good today. The sun is out.
Decided to make a trip down to London bridge. Beeaauuutiful!
All the years of childhood singing the nursery rhyme.
I finally get to see it right in front of my eyes, and even get to touch it!
But I kind of forgot the history behind the bridge.. Why did it fall ah?

Was too fascinated by the bridge until I forgot to find out what building this is.

Up the bridge!

Help, help, the bridge is falling

Wooo... Who's name is that?

And beside the bridge was the 'Tower Of London'

The Tower of London was founded in 1078 when William the Conqueror ordered the White Tower to be built inside the southeast angle of the city walls, adjacent to the Thames.[1] This was as much to protect the Normans from the people of the City of London as to protect London from outside invaders. William ordered the tower to be built of Caen stone, which he had specially imported from France. He appointed Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, as the architect.- wikipedia
And this moment as I am writing this... I realise where i visited today isn't London Bridge!!!! It's called
'Tower Bridge' instead... I wikipedia it and London bridge is at another place.. Arrgggghhhh!!! kuku me...
Preview of the REAL London Bridge

and it was written in wikipedia
'Tower Bridge is often mistakenly referred to as London Bridge.[2]'It's true..
Misc shots

Later in the afternoon, headed down to Camden Market.
It's just like Bugis village that we have back in Singapore..
Just that it is freezing cold here instead of 'Hot like dog'

The summer clothes that are sold here doesn't impress me a single bit..
It is exactly the same as those we see in Bugis.V, which I think I can get 10 times cheaper if I fly to Thailand hor?
And there was the street magician, I should have Qie him with my card tricks..
He try to 'Zebra Door Make Axe'

Wah... How come here got SMU t-shirt one?
Later in the evening, I felt so so tired..
Lied on the bed and dozed off...
Towards the 2hr mark of my sleep, I got this unique 'calling' to just wake up from my sleep and pick up the guitar.
This was the first song that came out from my mouth and I was so so blessed by it. I felt God's security and assurance, because he is the strength of my heart.
It's an old song by Don Moen. The Chorus of the song is simple, but this is the truth that our God has blessed us.
God is the strength of my heart
God is the strength of my heart
God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever, forever'
You might be tired of fighting World war3 with the 42 'little devils' in class everyday.
Sick of meeting the deadlines of upcoming projects
Disgusted with unreasonable demands and expectations being put on you
Gripped by the fear of uncertainty on the paths and decisions ahead
But God promised us in his word in Romans 10:13
'For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.' (NKJV)
It doesn't matter whether you are far/near from God, or whether you are Christian or Non-christian. The word is '
whosoever' Will you try calling on his name today?
I seldom share my 'music' with people. But I truly hope this will bless your heart.
For those of you who have high tolerance for jia lat vocals, you can give it a listen
'Remember 'God is the Strength of __________ (Insert your name here) heart'