the growing feeling of anxiety and uncertainty took over.
It grew even more intensive when i was surrounded by millions of Ang-mos on the plane
Man, 12 hrs of flight seem like a real nightmare, i could just die.
1st 4 hrs... still looking cool
Next 4hrs... Gasping for breath
Last 4hrs... Foaming in the mouth
Well... just for laughs, it was not that bad actually.
Infact i felt as if i was only on the flight for like a few hours?
It felt that time pass even faster then the short flights to Taiwan
Because I completely knocked out for 7hrs straight!!! Claps... **
So much so that the Ang-Mo beside me said "You're a amazing Sleeper..."
Upon arrival at the London Heathro Airport, things went smoothly... just that the immigration officer (Blackmama) kept asking me questions... Whats your flight number? What are you here for? How long was the flight? She must have attended the countdown party in FCBC the night before...
I was very blessed to have my Cousin picking me up, he came all the way down from Nottingham with his girlfriend. He intended to bring me to Chinatown to get some Chinese food, but because it was too early in the day, we had to make do with our favorite Mac donalds! yay!!! And right beside the Mc Donalds is a restaurant that i open recently, so please patronise when you're here ok?
After that, I was sent to the place that I am suppose to put up with for the next few days until my UCL accomodation is out. It was where Andrew stayed for his 3 months of internship exactly a year ago. It was a very cosy and nice place owned by a Malaysian couple. They're very strong Christians and are very nice people, made me felt home instantly! These are the pictures of where I'm staying.
Fleetwood Road
The exterior (Look like Silent Hill exactly!!!)
And of course my very comfy and cosy room
After taking a break, I headed down UCL with a map and some money and navigated my way to the nearest tube station.
Leaving my house
Spent my first pound on a tube ticket
UCL is a beautiful campus, not as big and wide as NUS or NTU though, but its architecture design is magnificient, dipped in rich heritage roots.
At UCL, i was taken on an emotional roller coaster,
I went to the Residences office to try to check the status of my application.
The man told me 'You're offered a place in UCL, but you did not accept the offer, meaning you're not a student of the University.' That was enough to scare the hell out of me! I still had time to joke with myself though 'That means i get to go home!'
I quickly went to the International admissions office to get my acceptance settled and thank GOD it was all done within a minute. I walked to the university cafe and took out the leftover cheese and waterbottle for my lunch. As I sat there alone, lonliness came over me and i just wished that someone would be with me at that instant, I really wish someone was with me. I felt helpless, lonely and depress. And I told God "God I need to know that you're with me now, I need to know you're with me now." And he brought me to the book of Hebrews13:5, and in his still small voice he said 'Never will I leave you nor forsake you.'
After walking around the UCL for some time, i decided to head home.
Opening the gifts, letters and stuff that you guys gave me and started reading them over again, I couldn't help but became Seth-ish.. emo, and i couldn't held back my tears. I wish to be home, and the thought of 6 months is quite terrible. Although one day is long enough. I pray that I'll be able to adapt fast when all is set in place. Love you guys, and I miss you all so much
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