3 possibilities
1. My ability of figuring out British accent has improved
2. Today is my birthday.. ( like duh…)
3. I feel affiliated to the lecturer
And the answer is 3!!!!
Don’t you think he look like Colonel Sandlers of KFC!!???!!!
Next up was the sociolinguistics tutorial. Only 4 person turned up for the tutorial…What the heck…
And we were suppose to share about our own ‘Native’ language. So I shared about ‘Singlish’ and was giving the example of how we usually say ‘The weather is extremely hot’ And so I said ‘The weather is hot like dog…’ and I was laughing to myself somehow… They just stared back at me with eyes as if they were lost… like… ‘What the heck’ kind of eyes… But well I had fun remembering our ‘Mother’ of all language..
On my way to meet Camy’s sister and brother in law for dinner, I went to visit the guitar shops. I was totally blown away by the massive number of guitar shops that were there. The whole street, on both sides of the road were just guitar shops.
I entered one which look kind of more ‘up class.’ They just display their expensive vintage guitars, Gibson Les pauls limited as well as other expensive guitars on the rack. Unlike back home where by the pathetic Swee Lee box all these expensive guitars up and Davis that give you the look of ‘Can you afford it?’ The shop keeper kept pushing me to pick up the Gretsch jazz guitars to try… but its no joke… If I accidentally drop it or what.. even if I wedgie myself also no use.. and since my guitar skills are so Chuei… better not..
But nevertheless, I managed to snap a picture, especially delicated to Ben Oh
And man… My Love… Acoustic guitars..So many!!!
Further down the street, I saw borders and this book caught my attention
Not so much of the ‘piercing’.. But isn’t Murakami the author that Janelle and Fish are all crazy over? So I went in to search for that book.. only to know that it was a different author.
This is the original one
Specially delicated to Janelle and Fish Boey
At Chinatown, I went in one of the Chinese grocery stores and guess what I saw??
Instant noodles! How can I leave without grabbing a few?
Singapore stuff! Yeos!
One of my greatest joy nowadays is to see familiar faces from back home. Had a great dinner with Christina (Camy’s sister) and Philip (Christina’s husband), and of cause a good time of gossiping about Camy! Philip kept asking.. ‘So what are some of the funny things that Camy usually do??’ and for the rest like Hailer, PRC Jon, Mary, Eleta your names somehow surfaced on the table as well. They seem to know you guys quite well!
Christina and Philip
Us… Man I look so fat
On my way back home, I wanted to try walking by the alleys and found myself at a ‘Vice’ street near Chinatown. Sign boards were flashing ‘LIVE NUDE SHOWS’ ‘LICENSED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT’ I wanted to snap some pictures of these billboards but was afraid that I get chopped up by the people standing around. Gripped with fear like a Chinaman, I Kablakang Puseng and walked back towards Chinatown as fast as I could.
Lesson learnt, walk on the main street. And I walked back on Oxford where I met Seth’s extreme brother
Will you ever become like that Seth?
Back at hall, I discovered that someone stole ¼ of my cheesecake… shakes head.
Wanting to prevent this from happening, I took some plates, fork and went and knock on Ben’s door and finished the remaining ¾ of the cakes together.
Today’s expenditure: 1.24 pounds on…
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