Joshua Chong's street
A House that I thought look really nice!
Ooo... Whats that they constructing? 3-D theatre? Onion house?
Boy was I wrong.... Halal
Once I reach the residences office, i expressed interesting in viewing the accomodation, took a 35minutes walk down to Goldsmith house and pass by Oxford street- The Singapore 'Orchard Road'
Some shots along the way
Oooo The Garden of Eden in London
This shot is dedicated to Edward, Joshua Lau... and whoever ZARA fan.. PRC Jon?
And Yes, Seth's shop!
Went in to snap a few pictures for you emo kid!
Seth's brothers being hung up on display
£25 for Seth's dressing, any takes by the girls out there?
More Seths, more Seths
And I found Candice's belt as well. Thick enough to bring you down for a walk (barks)
Come on Cho Cho
After 24km route march, I arrived at Goldsmith house Aka Old Changi Hospital
The exterior
The entrance
The stairs, careful of zombies on the left turn!
The Lift... does it work??
So the staff took me to see the room that was available and she was nice enough to allow me to snap a few pictures! So yupz, these are the pictures inside the room, the bed, desk, washbasin, cupboard, what have you.
I wasn't very satisfied and felt that it was a bit old. So I asked her, 'Are there any other rooms that are vacant?'She nodded and brought me up to the 4th storey. Exactly where the youtube video was taken on Day 7.
She opened up too more rooms, H9 and H8 and this time, I smiled because it looks so new! Newly carpeted floors! Decisions decisions, H9 or H8? H9 is the corner room, meaning everyone who enters the floor will have to pass through me... but H8 looks abit more lup sup... I decided on H9 in the end because if I make alot of noise i.e playing my guitar at night, blasting my music, scratching... at least i only disturb one fella instead of 2..
So I asked the lady to reserve the room for me. Before I left, I went back to Level 1 'The real Old Changi Hospital' and snapped some photos for you guys since i din manage to get it uploaded yesterday. So for those who have a weak heart, please do not view the preceding pictures of gore, violence and bloodshed.
The Super neat Kitchen
Toilet that has been through world war 2
Corridor towards the mortuary
The Murder Scene- Shower... imagine the floor full of blood
So I took another 24km route march back to UCL residences office to pay my deposit and took another 24km route march back to the hostel to get hold of my keys to the room... so altogether its 24x3= 72km, Steady. Can get Red Beret already
And I set off back to Aunty Irene's house to pack...
as I empty the stuff in the room and started packing... I bcame Seth again.. EMO
I'm very very comfortable staying here, and Uncle Nam Sing and Aunty Irene treats me so well. Even if I have a crap lunch everyday, at least i know that I can look forward to the wonderful dinner in the night.
Once I move out, it would mean that I'm on my own all the way
I thought to myself abit, if I stay put at Aunty Irene's place, it would be no different from living back at home, because all is catered and taken care of. It would be uncomfortable for me to move out, in fact its like throwing myself to die. But I guess thats what I'm here for in London, to learn what it means to live independently. And its only in times when I throw myself into dire straits that I will learn to depend on GOD because its difficult times we're talking here. The desperate state that I throw myself into will leave me no choice but to call on his name. 'Call upon the name of the lord and be saved' Furthermore, staying in hall will give me the full experience of an exchange life.
Aunty Irene took me out to the nearby 'Carrefour' wholesale area called 'Mantala' to purchase things that I need. I bought a Duver Blanket, pillow, duver blanker cover, pillow case, bed sheet, bedroom slippers, table lamp, cooking pot, all for £27.90!!! She knows where the best deals are! One thing I have learnt from her, manage your finances wisely!
Ok, and we went back home to find uncle Nam Sing preparing 4 dinner- My Last Meal :(
Man I'll miss this so so so much la!!!!
Took this shot secretly! And so here is the legendery Aunty Irene!!
After dinner, Aunty Irene started packing the excess so that I could have dinner tommorrow too... Wah she liddat make me more dun wanna leave.. Lau Pak Sai
We took some photos together.
The couple that has become my family in London, and it all happen within a week!
Ladies and gentlemen, if you see these guys walking down the street, be sure to play your best as a host on my behalf ok! I will reward you with.... scratch scratch
And at 2000hrs, I bidded goodbye to Uncle Nam Sing and Aunty Irene. Leaving 'Home' in a foreign place. I'm sure I'm gonna miss them so much. But I'll definately be visiting them!
The cab driver was very Bbbb a....t. h .... what word would i use?
very BAD! We agreed on £14 on the phone and he insisted on charging me £17 becos I had alot of luggage. What the heck! He still got the cheek to say 'Actually its £20, but you are a nice boy so £17 best price' Sounds like peninsular plaza back home....
'Eh Boss, FOR YOU... best price...'
And as I shift in my stuff into the room, I made 2 friends instantly at the corridor. Peggy who stays directly 2metres opposite me. She's from Taiwan and after 5 minutes of conversation, she surrendered and claim that I know Taiwan better then her... Haha of course la! And there was Gordon who stays 4 doors away from me, a Singapore RJ PSC scholar.... Woo Hoo...
After our little chat session, I went back to packing my room.
My Barang barang
All this for £27.90. Only possible with Aunty Irene around
HEADACHE!!!!! so messy
BUT.... When its done...
My wardrobe
And look at the things you guys bought for me... so many gloves and scarf
My Study table
Washbasin, wardrobe and exit door (Taken lying on bed)
My very nice bed with nice and fresh new bedsheets and blanket
Shot of my room (From the corridor, just in front of Peggy's door)
And check out my drawers!
1st Deck- secret
2nd Deck- computer stuff.. web cam... wires..
3rd Deck- My BABY!!!
4th deck- Man look at the tissues my mother make me bring. I'm sure michael jackson
needs it more than i do. And Narash thanks for the first aid kit!!!
And as i unpack, i opened up the gift that Nicholas bought me. And Ta Da!!!
I love it so much! Thank you Nicholas! A vintage Jazz guitar! with hardcase!
And so thats a eventful day.
Thank you Aunty Irene and Uncle Nam Sing for taking me in, it's still thank you and thank you that I have to say. And thanks to you guys in Singapore who helped in giving me opinions and your viewpoints with regards to accomodation.
In conclusion, I would like to say, I would love to see...
'World Peace.'
I tried to make this pose as Un-gay as possible... but somehow...
it din turn out well.. Haha
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