1000- 1200hrs
My first lecture on Freshwater ecosystems.
The lecture was very abstract, I'm not familiar with the concepts that the lecturer went through. There was a junior module to this course which most people in the class had taken in the previous semester. Man that means i gotta work xtra hard..:(
Lunch! Aunty Irene was so nice to pack some lunch for me to take to school!
From left to right: Cookies, dunno what but its nice!, German Stollen which rocks!
Sociolinguistic lecture. This lecture is about the way we people speak, the way we pronounce certain words and use certain words and what they say about us, our identity, our location, our social class.
So for example:
'Whe-ra-ya?- Australian
'Are you Shaw(sure)?'- British
'Wah Lao'- Singaporean
'IS IT!?- SURE OR NOT?- NO LAH!!(very loudly)'- Singaporean Seafood seller
'I Love leopard prints'- Rich Singaporean with >2 cars
'You want to Buang?'- La sup kia
It sounds like an interesting module. But it involves phonology transcripts which i know i'll die very badly. So after the lecture I went up to the lecturer to ask for her advice. She was very helpful and gave me a list of books i could research on to build up on my weakness. I went straight to the Harry Potter library to head hunt those books straight away.
Free time! So I went onto the free access room to look for you guys on msn!
Past Global Environmental Change
This module talks about how our climate and vegetation has changed with respect to time. Quite an interesting topic, but the lecturer was super boring!
Something common that I notice in the classroom.
1. Girls take notes like crazy
2. Guys just fold their arms and look as if they are with the lecturer.
Same case in Singapore right?!
Lesson ended at 1705hrs. Its only 5pm and the sky is dark! Something that I have yet to get use to.
Wanted to look suprise but failed
Okay.. We're getting there... Suprised
Someone please help this Siao eh...
A Chinese restaurant that I signed up with called me up and said that the manager wants to see me. So I headed down to the restaurant near my school.
The manager was rather impressed with my bilingual ability. So you guys back in Singapore, better brush up your Chinese! It will do you good ok!
She asked me how much I expect to be paid, I answered unapologetically 7pounds/hr.
SO before I left, I asked her 'So how much do you pay your staff?'
She replied 'I pay the China girls 180 pounds per week for full-time, thats less then half you mentioned'
Ok... I think I have got the answer.
Beside the Chinese restaurant was an Italian restaurant that i did not apply for previously. Since I was already there, might as well just give it a shot.
The manager took down my name and told me they pay 30 pounds per shift.
1 shift= 5 hours...
Can consider hor?
Japanese restaurant that I applied for on saturday
On my way to the tube station, the newspaper guys kept insisting that i take the newspapers.
When I declined, they go 'Pls pls...'
Why are they so keen on me reading the newspapers? Maybe they knew that I'm ignorant about current affairs huh?
Before I head to the tube station, I needed to draw some cash for rent as well as for my own expenses. So I headed to the ATM and wanted to draw 600 pounds. I was expecting 6, 100pounds notes. BUT... to my horror... it came out as a fat thick
30, 20 pound notes... can you imagine how thick that is!!!!
I got a shock of my life... I was so scared of being robbed or pickpocketed!
It I lose this, its $1200 Singapore dollars! Can eat 200 KFC meals leh!
Look at how thick this is!
Edward's 3 minute allowance
It was the peak hour and the tube station was pack like dog! Oops... sorry.. Pack like sardine (Now in UK must use proper Engrish)
Nearest station from my residence.
After dinner, Aunty Irene was teaching me how to save money in packing lunch from home. She showed me her lunch box for the following day which consist of 3 side dish: Fish fillet, Salmon and cucumber. She let me had a sample of each and it tasted crazily nice! Especially the cucumber. I have not tasted such sweet and fresh cucumber in my life. Its not like the soggy disgusting cucumber you get from chicken rice stalls (Of coz except Chuen Chuen Chicken rice @ Longhouse).. Wow but London's cucumber is really good!
Any idea what this is?
Fresh Apricot
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